Moko Call for Submissions: Carnival Special Issue

Moko is pleased to announce a new special issue for Spring 2018 focusing on Carnival in all its forms edited by Trinidadian writer and editor Anu Lakhan.
Carnival throughout the Caribbean and the diaspora has both fans and detractors. The issue of the traditional being swept aside for more recent iterations persist. Still, the festival is not only persisting but proliferating. For this special issue of Moko, we step away from the Carnival arts (and the surrounding scholarship) and look instead at the art Carnival inspires. – Anu Lakhan
Entrants may submit up to five previously unpublished poems, up to 3,000 words for fiction and non-fiction, and 4-5  images for visual art via Submittable. Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Any work focusing on Carnivals of the geographical Caribbean (bordering the Caribbean Sea) as a central theme will be considered. Work in translation is welcome.

The reading period ends on March 31, 2018. Anticipated publication is April/May 2018. For detailed submission guidelines, please visit

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