Image courtesy of Lee. Shared via a Creative Commons license.
Swing Song
(upon observing flight)
When the spinning,
the wild wild wheeling
or slows,
slow slow,
the closed eye nuh recognize,
so the spirit,
in its dark twirling
still is hoisted up,
up through tree limbs.
You may tell him,
if you can catch him.
Yashika Graham was born in Westmoreland, Jamaica. She is an Executive Member of the Poetry Society of Jamaica, serving as its Administrator and Moderator of its Monthly Poetry Fellowships. Her work has been showcased for audiences in Jamaica, the United States, and as part of Jamaica Rising and the Bristol Festival of Literature in the United Kingdom. Her poems have been published in The Caribbean Writer Volume 27, 2013, and her poems and flash fiction in Susumba’s Book Bag, 2015. Her chapbook will be released in 2015, to be followed by her first full collection of poems.